Jiri Hnidek

C, Python, Network, CG and Lot of White Space


Some fragments from my work.

Kerberos a NFS (Czech)

31 March 2017

Tento článek vznikl jako uživatelský návod pro uživatele serveru perseus.nti.tul.cz na Technické univerzitě v Liberci nicméně může být i pro další uživatele používající datové úložiště CESNETu. Článek je psaný v češtině protože zde není velká pravděpodobnost výskytu cizojazyčných uživatelů. Jelikož server používá pro připojení datového úložiště NFS, tak návod vychází z oficiální dokumentace CESNETu dostupné na: https://du.cesnet.cz/cs/navody/nfs/start.

FS Cache

19 December 2016

FS Cache is persistent local cache of file system mounter over network (typically using NFS). It can minimize network traffic. When network bandwidth is low or delay between server and host is hight it can also improve performance.

All Posts


My old notes converted from MediaWiki. I will translate these pages to English one day (cough).

Command IP ( Czech language )

Resize Dell hardware RAID ( Czech language )

Command iptables ( Czech language )

Virtualization and libVirt ( Czech language )

Linux and Libraries ( Czech language )

Linux Software RAID ( Czech language )

Postfix ( Czech language )

Promela and Spin ( Czech language )

Traffic Control ( Czech language )

My Projects

Check Out My Projects at GitHub.


Verse 2.0 is network protocol for real-time sharing of 3D data. It is intended mostly for graphical applications of collaborative virtual reality. It could be used for sharing data between applications like Blender
Verse Explorer is Qt based Verse client used for managing shared data. It can be used for exploring sharing data. It can be used for basic managing of shared data. It means that it is possible to create, modify and delete shared nodes, tag groups, tags, layers, etc.
Verse Particles contains Verse client application used for testing Verse protocol. This aplication could run in two modes. First mode (sender) is used for sending particle system to Verse server. The sender should run on the same machine as Verse server. The second mode of Verse client (receiver) receives particle data from Verse server over unreliable network. It uses verse layers for sharing particle position.
Verse PLY Uploader is command line tool that can be used for uploading PLY models to Verse server.


Verse Javascript should be Javascript library implementing support for communication with Verse server over WebSocket. Thus it will be possible to write WebGL Verse clients.


Blender Addon IO Verse implements basic real-time sharing of Blender 3D data at Verse server. It allows only to share mesh objects at this moment.
Verse Entities is Python module that simplify implementation of Verse clients.


Various Gists aka microprojects and samples of source code.

Polished Forks

WSLay is C library originally written by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa and it can be used for communication over WebSocket. It can be used for implementation of WebSocket servers and clients. It is used by Verse server.
RPly is a library originally written by Diego Nehab, that lets applications read and write PLY files. The PLY file format is widely used to store geometric information, such as 3D models, but is general enough to be useful for other purposes.

My Presentations

My presentations from TUL and Red Hat.

Candlecon (English language)

Computer Graphics (Czech language)

CG - OpenGL

CG - Shaders ( TODO )

CG - Parametric Curves

CG - Parametric Surfaces

CG - Photorealistic rendering ( TODO )

CG - Animation

CG - Virtual Reality ( TODO )

Python (Czech language)

About Me

Jiri Hnidek

Jiri Hnidek

I work as software engineer in Red Hat since 2017. I worked at Technical University of Liberec as a Research and Teaching Fellow from 2005 to 2017. I received Ph.D title in 2010 for dissertation work: Network Protocols for Graphical Applications. My research was focused on network protocols and computer graphics.

Contact Details